Speaker Details

Nicolás Fóthy
Nicolás has a degree in naval engineering and is CEO of Naval-Electric in Argentina and Naval-Electric Uruguay. He is a member of AAVEA (Argentine Association of Electric and Alternative Vehicles), CACEL (Argentine Chamber of Light Boat Builders) and CPIN (Professional Council of Naval Engineering).Presentation
ECO-Lancha project: electrifying the public passenger transport system in the Argentine Delta
Seventy old diesel boats that transport 2.5 million people per year through the Paraná River Delta require an urgent change. They suffer from high maintenance costs and their old diesel engines pollute an area declared by UNESCO to be a biosphere reserve. The operating costs are excessively high, requiring subsidies from the state. The solution involves the construction of a prototype made of composite materials, with 100% Torqeedo Deep Blue 100kW electric propulsion and six BMW i3 batteries, with capacity for 70 passengers. Plans, costs and details of the project will be presented.